Not Seeing Results From Your Skincare Routine? You Might Not Be Drinking Enough Water

By IPSY Editors
Published on December 28, 2021
A photo of a woman drinking water in a restaurant
A photo of a woman drinking water in a restaurant

You are what you eat, right? And that includes what you drink. When it comes to skincare, it really has to be a total body effort. Because if you’re not hydrating from the inside out, no amount of moisturizer is going to keep your skin looking bright and rejuvenated during the day time. 

That’s why we’re spilling the tea on total body hydration and how it affects your skincare routine. According to skincare expert Liia Ramachandra, Pharm.D., Ph.D., drinking water and staying hydrated should be a no-brainer for anyone invested in their skincare routine. 

Meet the Expert

Liia Ramachandra, Pharm.D., Ph.D., is a healthcare executive and skincare expert. 

Does Drinking Water Actually Help Keep Your Skin Hydrated?

The short answer: Yes! “Drinking water is overall extremely good for you and keeps you hydrated not only on the inside but also on the outside,” explains Dr. Ramachandra. “Everything that is going on inside your body will be reflected on the outside of your skin.” 

If you’ve adopted a new skincare routine and are still noticing dull, dehydrated, and lackluster skin, it may be because you’re not drinking enough water. 

How Much Water Should You Drink to Hydrate Your Skin?

This depends on the person, but Dr. Ramachandra’s general rule is to drink “half of your weight in ounces. If you are 160 pounds, drink 80 ounces in water [per day],” she says. 

If you have trouble drinking water, investing in one of those hourly water bottles that show how much you need to drink within each hour of the day could be helpful. Additionally, Dr. Ramachandra says it’s OK to replace water with another low-calorie, low-sugar drink of your choice if you’re not a fan of H2O. Hydrating with flavored sparkling water is a close second to hydrating with still water.

The Benefits of Drinking Water for Your Skin

The benefits of drinking water for your skin are seemingly endless, but here are the major ones, as told by Dr. Ramachandra:

It reduces puffiness

When your body is dehydrated, it retains water, which is when you’ll notice your skin looking puffier than usual. “When we are properly hydrated, our body has no reason to retain water and that reduces puffiness,” says Dr. Ramachandra.

It improves your complexion

“When you drink enough water, the toxins are being flushed from your body,” says Dr. Ramachandra. “This will improve your complexion and give you glowing skin.”

It can help reduce wrinkles

If your wrinkle cream or serum isn’t working, reach for a glass of water to complement your routine. “​​Drinking enough water will help you keep your skin hydrated and plumper, which will reduce the appearance of wrinkles,” says Dr. Ramachandra.

Other Ways to Hydrate Your Skin

If your skin is in serious need of a hydration boost, guzzle down that H2O, but also reach for products that boost moisture retention. Dr. Ramachandra recommends reaching for products that contain shea butter, which is safe for all skin types and helps hydrate dull, dry skin. 

Dr. Ramachandra also loves hyaluronic acid as a go-to ingredient that should be present in any moisturizer or serum you choose. If your skin needs a quick reset, reach for the 111SKIN Hyaluronic Acid Aqua Booster. It delivers a shot of concentrated hyaluronic acid to the skin’s surface, which will instantly make it appear more hydrated.

The Final Verdict

No matter what your skin type is or how serious you are about your skincare routine, reaching for an extra glass of water or two throughout the day can only help you and your skincare efforts. Doctors agree: You must keep your skin hydrated to avoid puffiness and dull, lackluster skin. Make sure you’re drinking enough H2O to complement your skincare products, so you can actually see and feel their effects over time.

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