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Do You Need a Silk Pillowcase? 5 Hair and Skin Benefits to Know

By Lindy Segal
Published on November 8, 2021
A photo of a pillow with a silk pillowcase and blue green sheets
A photo of a pillow with a silk pillowcase and blue green sheets

Want smoother hair? Try sleeping on a silk pillowcase. How about fewer wrinkles? Try—you guessed it—a silk pillowcase. When it comes to beauty sleep, there is seemingly nothing this bedding item can’t do. Or is there? According to Dr. Karan Lal of Schweiger Dermatology Group in Hillsborough, New Jersey, there may be something more worthwhile than buying a new item. “I think it’s more important to change your pillowcase weekly to avoid trapping bacteria and yeast,” says the derm. Still, there are seemingly some benefits of silk pillowcases (plus, silk bedding sure is pretty). Read on to find out what benefits they offer, and check out a few worth resting your head on.

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Dr. Karan Lal is a board-certified dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology Group in Hillsborough, New Jersey.

The Hair and Skin Benefits of Sleeping on a Silk Pillowcase

It’s less absorbent.

Regular cotton pillowcases tend to absorb natural oils and skincare products while we sleep, which is especially true for stomach and side-sleepers. But because silk absorbs less, skin ostensibly stays more hydrated, which is especially beneficial for those with dry skin.

It may reduce breakouts.

For that same reason, those with acne-prone skin also won’t have to worry about excess oil residue while they sleep. Still, think of silk pillowcases as a puzzle piece to less acne, not a cure-all. “It is true that it is less absorbent than cotton,” says Lal. “But there is no strong proof that silk pillowcases are superior to cotton pillowcases.”

It prevents skin creasing.

Those pesky sleep creases you sometimes wake up with? They’re far less likely with silk. “Silk is softer and less likely to cause friction and irritation to the skin,” says Lal. And if you believe the hype, that may mean a reduction in fine lines over time, too, although again it would be a stretch to rely on silk pillowcases alone.

It may prevent frizz.

That friction reduction may also help out frizzy hair. The smooth surface helps maintain the hair cuticle, preventing split ends, hair breakage, and general “bedhead” in the morning too. (Great news if you want to extend a blowout an extra day or two!)

You may wake up with fewer tangles.

Same deal: Less friction equals less opportunity for hair to get tangled while you sleep. And who knows: If you love your pillow, you might just toss and turn a little less, too.

It helps regulate temperature.

This may be more of a comfort benefit than a beauty benefit, but nonetheless, silk may help keep you cool and dry while you sleep.

4 Products to Try 

1. SLIP Silk Pink Queen Envelope Pillowcase

SLIP Silk Pink Queen Envelope Pillowcase
SLIP Silk Pink Queen Envelope Pillowcase

The pillowcase that’s all over your Instagram feed is worth the likes: Made with grade-6A mulberry silk and a 22 momme weight, it’s soft, smooth, and gorgeous for any bed. (Pro shopping tip: Silk fabric is graded A to C for quality, with A being the highest; many will also include a “momme count” of up to 30 to indicate the weight of the silk.)

2. BROOKLINEN Silk Pillowcase

BROOKLINEN Silk Pillowcase
BROOKLINEN Silk Pillowcase

Available in several colors, this high-quality pure mulberry silk pillowcase is also machine-washable. 

3. KITSCH Leopard Satin Pillowcase

KITSCH Leopard Satin Pillowcase
KITSCH Leopard Satin Pillowcase

Barring any fabric allergies, a synthetic satin is a fine alternative for real silk when it comes to most beauty benefits. This adorable printed pillowcase has a similar smooth texture, and is a fraction of the price of most silk options out there. 

4. THE LAUNDRESS Delicate Wash


As Lal reminds, the most important thing with any pillowcase, silk or not, is keeping it clean. This highly concentrated detergent is specifically made for cleaning silk and other delicate fabrics in the comfort of your own home, and smells like a dream.

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